What the media won't tell you about men. There is quite a bit of research on men that never sees the light of the media. Whether it's the Lace Curtain or some other gynocentric mechanism we are cut off from understanding men while at the same time we are flooded with articles and information about women. This presentation will give you a look into the things the media won't tell you and the good news for men that is coming from the latest research. Yes, the latest research is making the APA and feminism look backwards and totally uninformed. Men Are Good!
The dismal state of society's services for men and the men who are doing something about it.
The media outrage machine thrives on the anger of the mob, not only so it can farm clicks for profit, but direct this anger towards it's enemies. If the media cannot find any anger, it will create it, no matter how mundane a situation is and with no regard for how many lives they destroy in the process.
We must believe, even with our eyes open, that we still can win. We know that women are more loved, elicit more empathy, and that female safety and wellbeing are prioritized. It’s instinctual. Eliciting empathy is a female strategy based on women’s greater power to elicit empathy. We must shake off the shame and believe in ourselves. We must believe that we, as men, are more respected, elicit more authority, and that male leadership is still longed for. And we must believe that that too is instinctual. It is ancient and archetypal and we must believe that it runs deeper than the current rhetoric, deeper than the current misandry. Feminism has its “men have the power; women are the victims”; narrative. We know how one-sided, false and poisonous that narrative is. I believe we must take leadership by presenting a new narrative ;a wiser, healthier, more balanced, and more sustainable narrative vision of the future that the general public, weary of gender conflict, can embrace. That's how we win.