Who let the badgers out?

Meetup with the badgers! Woot!

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Mark the 28th of September on your calendar!

The badgers will be emerging from their burrows and converging on Reader Rock Garden in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

For those of you who don’t know the deep lore, when the gang(badgers) and I(Alison) were kicked out of Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo for wrong think, we decided to host an alternate meetup for our listenators, some of whom had traveled half a continent for the meetup.

We chose a spot one stop down on the c-train line from the Expo for expediency which was a short walk from the Reader Rock Garden.

CalEx security staff walked the one and a half kilometres from their event to the street across from the garden and stared at us as we milled about chatting and enjoying a plate of nibbles.

This apparently being insufficient intimidation, they then swatted us.

Two police vans were sent and patrolled the area around our event. Eventually an officer approached us to talk to us and after a brief conversation he said, ‘You seem like nice people, this park is public so enjoy your meet-up.’

And they left.

In commemoration of being declared ‘nice people’ we are returning to Reader Rock Garden!

It’s been almost ten years since a group of feminist mean girls decided they did not like the cut of my jib, got us all kicked out of a convention we paid for a booth at and then lied about us on the Mary Sue blogsite(which was then signal boosted without any fact checking by media.) It’s been five years since we hosted the ICMI 2019 in Chicago.

Four years since the beginning of Certain Events.

Two years since we ‘discovered’ that the legal system in Canada is essentially a weapon against its citizens. And the media is its handmaiden.

It’s been times, folks.

But we’re ready to take a small step back towards putting on events! Woot! If we pull this off I would like to make it a regular thing. Although Calgary is a little off the beaten path, I(Alison) and Brian have family in Calgary, Karen is only a 3 hour drive away and Prim lives there. Before Certain Events, I was planning a convention in Calgary as well.

If you’d like to help out here’s the scoop:

Goal 1: Brian & Alison – 3500

Accommodation- 2000

Travel – 1500

Goal 2: Karen – 4250

Goal 3: Mike – 5500

All supporters will get exclusive access to all materials recorded during our trip and meetup plus a supporter-only livestream!

Let’s get back to some kind of normal!

*Any funds over and above the goal will go towards general expenses for Honey Badger Brigade.