Badger Media Blitz!

Let's fund HBR, Hannah, Brian, DrRandomercam and Alison for the month!

21 Days Left
Project Ends:
  • Description

Something’s changed. Summarize this for me.

We are offering limited edition silk screen posters as a thank you for your support! Posters will be available to supporters 250 or higher.* (Will return with new art. Stay tuned!)

The fundraiser is now separated into three goals.

Main Goal : Feed the Beast : + 6990

General monthly expenses for Honey Badger Radio, including keeping the badgercave fully operational, Brian in Cheetos, Hannah in onions and Alison in igloos. (Now also keeping the good Dr in medicinals.)

Bonus Goal : Events, Publishing Warchest and Sundry : + 1000 (Have to pay the Trudope Tax 🙁 )

Bonus Goal, goes towards extra projects like publishing The Captive Eye, HBR’s latest publishing initiative, as well as defraying the costs of setting up the studio for poster-making and future badger meet-ups.

Show sponsorship options are available on request (DM Alison on Discord) and ‘make Alison dance like a monkey’ in beat sabre is still the last two Sundays of the month! Either both or one.

And if you want to make your support reoccurring hit the button below:

*All thank you gifts for pledges have to be nominal to avoid charging GST/PST. That means they have to be less than 10% of the total pledge. Unfortunately this means Posters are only available for 250$ plus. I’m working on a raffle system for lower pledges! Shipping and handling will be applied at checkout. You will need to register as a user in order to receive your poster. Ensure your address is current!

By contributing to this fundraiser you will be placed on a list. You will then receive bonus content and occasional fundraiser alerts. If you aren’t interested, then unsubbing actually helps us! (HBR has to pay for each spot.) I will try to figure out a better solution as soon as I can. There is no better solution.